Getting Around

The Transportation Challenge

Cochise county is big. Finding housing, food, a job, or any other service can be impossible without reliable transportation. Some returning citizens may have access to transportation from a family member or friend, but that is not always the case. Unfortunately, public transportation is limited, even in the larger towns.

Public Bus

There are a few bus routes in Cochise County towns. Buses operate on set routes, but door-to-door pickup is available for disabled people. The fares noted below are for adults, but seniors and students typically have lower fares. The services also offer discounts for monthly passes. For more information, it is best to contact the bus service directly using the noted phone number.

Cochise Connection is a bus that runs from Douglas to Sierra Vista three times a day on weekdays and twice a day on weekends. The fare for that bus is $4 per trip or $5 per day. Call (520) 417-7400 For more information.

The City of Bisbee runs a bus that stops at numerous locations in the Bisbee area. The bus runs its route ten times through the week and four times on weekends. The fare for that bus is $1 for a one-way trip. Call (520) 508- 1936 For more information.

The city of Douglas has two bus routes. The Pirtleville route runs Monday Through Friday nine times a day, while the midtown route runs Monday through Saturday eight times per day. The fare for the bus is $1.00 per ride. Call (520) 417-7400 for more information.

The Benson Area Transit (BAT) is the public bus in Benson. They run the entire city route four times a day, with different pickups available on request for Saint David, Mescal, and Pomerene. Bus fare is $1 per trip. Call (520) 586-9406 For more information.

The Sierra Vista bus has two routes that run Monday through Friday every hour and one that runs Saturday every hour. The routes pass the major retail businesses, Cochise College, the hospital, and other locations. Bus fare is $1.25 per trip. Call (520) 417-4888 for more information.

Other Transportation Options

Sierra Vista, Douglas, and Benson have taxi services, but these can be expensive if used frequently. Uber and Lyft may be available, but the service is unreliable and expensive. These resources tend to come and go frequently, so the best option is to do a web search. Note: public libraries in Benson, Douglas, Huachuca City, Sierra Vista, Tombstone, and Willcox all have computers with free internet access.

Getting free or reduced-rate transportation to medical or behavioral health facilities may be possible. To arrange for that transportation, contact the facility and see if anything is available.

Returning citizens in Sierra Vista who are elderly or disabled can get free transportation from the Volunteer Interfaith Caregiver Program (VICaP). Call (520) 459-8146 for more information.